Thursday, April 3, 2008

Home remedies

I've been sick the past few days and so has a friend of mine and we were talking about what to do when you can't keep food down. In America when a person is sick we usually recommend chicken noodle soup or broth. Japan has similar practices as well. For instance "お茶漬け" (ochazuke) It is rice that has had tea poured over it. Some people use hot water or a broth as well. It's a very light dish and is easy to swallow. Just like chicken noodle soup you can find that there are people who like it even when they are not sick. Corn soup and Miso soup are often recommended as well. (Though I'm sure there are some people who swear that Miso can cure cancer!) As in America many Japanese people drink orange juice and tea when sick. (Though Japanese consume more green tea than black or herbal teas)

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