It has been a while. I've been busy with games. SO MANY! So here are a few updates to get you going!
Our boys are having two concerts on December 31st. The first concert is called "Encore of "Operation Connect" It will be done in the same style as their summer tour. The concert starts at 5:30pm on the 31st.
The next concert will be a countdown concert. Because of the time they ask that everyone be 18 and over. The concert starts at 10:30 pm on the 31st.
For the countdown concert you can request what songs will be played. The survey is at

When you get to the survey here is a guide on how to fill it out.

Then below that is the "Submit button" (I didn't want to screen cap it)
I don't know if the concert will be streaming. I will update you when I know!
Lately I've been SUPER on a video game kick. There are a lot of releases I'm looking forward to.
The Idolm@ster 2.
A rasing sim game where you create an idol group and make them popular. The game has been in arcades and the Xbox360. Finally it has been released for the PS3. The game is so popular it has been back ordered! Twice! That is a feat in Japan let me tell you.
Project Diva -Extend-
Sega has released another version of Project Diva for the PSP. This one includes previous costumes as well as new ones. The songs are more Nico Nico Douga famous songs. Such as "Luka Luka ★ Night Fever" and "Uraomote Lovers" The song "Rin Rin Signal" marks the debut of an append song in Project Diva. For those who don't know, appends are expansion packs of the vocaloid voice banks. They are designed to help enhance the sound of vocaloids. Currently only Miku, Rin/Len, and Gumi have them. Because Gumi is from a different company her expansions have different names. KAITO has an extend in the making as we speak. Project Diava -Extend- promises not a new game but the same game as PJD2 only with more requested songs. The game goes on sale November 10th.
Sengoku Basara 3 UTAGE
This season is full of branch games. Sengoku Basara is no exception. Utage is the traditional word for "Party" but because the katakana word "パーティー" is more popular you don't hear it as much. SBR3U promises party modes such as mission modes, versus, and endurance rounds. Using saved data can get you extra items and money. It looks to be amazing fun!
Well I'm sick today so I'm going to go lay down and rest. Gonna have ochazuke tomorrow!
See you next round!