Wednesday, April 21, 2010

turn it up and feel me first

Hello everyone, how are you?

Its been a while since I posted. I've been busy with stuff. ;_; My friend went to Japan so I've been communicating with her a lot. It makes me 懐かしい!(なつかしい)「nostalgic」

I've been working secretly on a system to help people learn kanji, verbs, and adjectives all at the same time. Its harder than I thought but also easier than I feared. Some kanji have verbs and many don't. I want my system to be as easy as can be. I want a beginner to be able to look at it and go "Oh that makes sense"

I'm sure I've mentioned "radicals" before. If I haven't here is a quick rundown. A radical is a part of a kanji. These radicals make up the kanji and each has a meaning. Learning the radicals helps you understand the kanji a little bit better. (NOTE: unlike Chinese, the radical does not determine the sound of the kanji, only the meaning) Example: the word rain is ame あめ the kanji for it is 雨 if you think hard the kanji looks like rain. Water drops falling from the sky. Anyways this kanji is a radical and appears in other kanj. Almost all of them having weather related terms! Here is a list of some of the kanji they appear in.

雨 - あめ Rain
雪 - ゆき Snow
雲 - くも Cloud
電 - でん Lightning
雷 - かみなり Thunder
震 - ふえる Quake
霜 - しも Frost
霧 - きり Fog

So the sounds I have given you are all "kun yomi" (SEE POST "Get Ready! So Crazy!)
Lets make some compounds and phrases using these words! (You'll see on yomi)

Starting with 雨

1.雨のち雪 あめ のち ゆき (ame nochi yuki) Rain then snow (used in weather forecasts)
2.雨雲 あめ ぐも (ame gumo) raincloud
3.雨がふる あめ が ふる (ame ga furu) To rain (to say "its raining" or "it will rain" "it will snow" uses the same word)

Next 雪

1.雪まじり雨 ゆき まじり あめ (yuki majiri ame) Snow mixed with rain. (used in weather forecasts)
2.雪山 ゆきやま (yuki yama) Snowy mountain
3.雪でおおわれる ゆき で おおわれる (yuki de oowareru) To be covered in snow.

Next 雲

2.雲形 くもがた (kumo gata) Cloud shaped
3.雲があつめる くも が あつめる (kumo ga atsumeru) Clouds gathering
The kanji 曇りis used to describe cloudy weather. It also reads as くも but its on yomi is どん

Next 電 while it means "lightning" it mostly means "electric"

1.電車は止まりました でんしゃ は とまりました(densha wa tomarimarimashita) Trains are stopped
2.電話 でんわ (denwa) telephone
3.電気を消して下さい でんき を けして ください (denki wo keshite kudasai) turn off the electricity.

How does this work for you? I hope for input! Its still a work in progress.

See you next round!


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