Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Like a hard rain, like a night train

Hello there again readers!!! It is I Lala posting again from Japanlands. Today I`m going to talk about buses.

There are a few rules about transportation in Tokyo.

1. The trains go everywhere.
2. Where the trains don`t go the subways go
3. Where the subways don`t go the trains go.
4. You walk anywhere else.

Japanese buses are usually designed to seat about 30 people. That may seem like a lot but most American buses can seat 60 people. This isn`t to say that Japanese buses can`t hold 60 people. Japanese buses use most of its space to hold people standing up. The proceedure to ride buses doesn`t change. You get on in the front, pay, then get off in the back.

Now I would like to talk a little about long distance buses.

Much like greyhound Japan has buses that travel all over. I recently rode a bus from Tokyo to Osaka. JR (Japan Railways) owns a series of "highway buses" The most popularly ridden ones are the night buses. Since traveling by auto is very lengthy people often take the night bus to a distant location. The trip from Tokyo to Osaka lasts about 8 hours (by bullet train it is 3). The seats recline really far back and the lights are dimmed giving for a perfect relaxing aura. Its great to fall asleep in Tokyo and wake up in Osaka. Plus the buses don`t smell of angry bum urine.

These buses are usually double deckers and can hold lose to 70 people. This method is great for people who arn`t in a hurry and don`t want to worry about a place to stay for the night! Another advantage to the Highway bus is that it is half of the cost of a bullet train ticket.

Well it appears I am almost out of time at this manga kissa again. I might travel to temple town (AKA Kyoto) today.

See you next round!

JR Highway bus information http://www.jrbuskanto.co.jp/bus_route_e/ (English)

Friday, August 14, 2009

Fire shadow

Hey everyone its me again!

How are you?

I only have one week left in Japan! ;_;
Its been really fun so far. I`m going to miss it again but I also miss my kitty. ;_;

Today I`m going to teach you some words to remember for when you are having fun!

やり過ぎる (やりすぎる)- yarisugiru

These are both words that don`t really translate well but I will make an attempt to explain them.

moriagare littlerally means "To Swell" but when you hear this at a concert it means "GET EXCITED!! access often use this term.

yarisugi is a more commonplace word so I`m going to spend a little more time on this one.
sugi at the end of yarisugi means "too much" yarisugi means "to go overboard" but sugi can be added to almost verb. It turns the word into a ru word. Like adding -suru to a word.
tabesugi - to eat too much
nomisugi - to drink too much (usually referrs to liquor)
nesugi - to sleep too much (usually means overslept)
kaisugi - to buy too much

To make this compound simply take a verb in its masu form and drop the masu and add sugi.
Try it out!

yari in yarisugi is the inpolite form of to do - suru you are saying I did too much litterally.

Well thats all for today. I better stop before I kakisugi!

See you next round!!!!